Gaming Club

The Gaming Club runs from September through May during all weeks with 5 school days. Students in 5th through 8th are encouraged to join Ms. Pfeffer after school on Thursdays from 2 to 4 p.m. The club encourages teamwork, communication, imagination, and getting groups of people together for a couple of hours of fun.
The games include dice games (Farkle, Tensies, and Quix), cards games (Sneak Peak, Taco-Cat-Goat-Cheese-Pizza, Spot It, and Cribbage), and classic board games (Sorry, Monopoly, and Clue) to name just a few. If we don't have the game you want to play you are encouraged to bring it in and teach others to play!
If you like to play games, hang out with friends, and maybe even make some new friends, this just may be the place for you.